Sunday, August 20, 2006

Yellowstone Sightings

Weird Vehicles

These RV's are from Germany. A little different from ours.

Yellowstone Winter Tour Vehicle

The front tires have ski's on them.

Touring during the winter snows made easy. Notice the tires. I guess these vehicles have no problems in the snow.

Yellowstone Animals
Please check back for more photos
We did see plenty of wild animals on this trip. On the way out of the park we saw a grizzly bear but of course it was a short sighting & I was unable to get the camera in time. This was a dissapointment for us.

I think this eagle was just waiting for us to pass by.

Look carefully and you can see 2 birds on the back of this elk. He struggled to get those birds off his back but he wasn't successful.

Every morning I watched this coyote. One morning her pups came out to play. There were 4 gray pups.

This baby was blocking traffic & then just casually walked past our motorhome. It was actually that close. This photo was not zoomed in.

This is one stubborn traffic jam.

A group of female elk.

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